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Webhook Triggers

Webhooks are configured on a per-email-address basis. Each unique email address can have its own webhook trigger. Using webhooks facilitates the automation of subsequent actions or processing steps for the converted documents once they are captured from the emails.

Managing Webhooks

You can webhook address directly through the application. Navigate to the 'Emails' page in the app where you can add, modify, or remove webhook address of your received email addresses.

Webhook Trigger Behavior

When a document emailed to one of your designated addresses successfully completes processing, the system will trigger a webhook by sending a POST request to the URL you have specified.

Webhook Payload Structure

The request body for webhook triggers contains JSON data relevant to the processed document, ensuring a high level of data privacy. Below is an example of the JSON structure that will be sent:

"uuid": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
"created_at": "2024-05-03T06:05:47.000Z",
"completed_at": "2024-05-03T06:07:30.000Z",
"success": true,
"filename": "document.pdf",
"pages": 5,
"type": "invoice",
"schema": "abcde12345-fghij67890-klmno54321-pqrst98765",
"ocr": false


Currently, our system does not support any methods of authentication for webhook triggers. It's important to configure your receiving endpoint to handle the incoming payloads securely in the absence of authentication capabilities.


Security Note: The webhook triggers don't currently support any authentication methods.