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API Webhook Triggers

Webhooks are defined as part of each API request. When setting up an API call, you can specify a webhook URL in the request parameters. This setup enables direct and dynamic responses based on the API activity, particularly useful for real-time applications.

Webhook Trigger Behavior

Upon successful processing of a document submitted via the API, the system will initiate a webhook by sending a POST request to the URL specified in the API request. This automation streamlines processes and ensures immediate communication between systems.

Webhook Payload Structure

The payload of the webhook contains detailed JSON data pertinent to the processed document, which aids in maintaining a secure and private flow of information. Here is an example of what the JSON structure could look like:

"uuid": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
"created_at": "2024-05-03T06:05:47.000Z",
"completed_at": "2024-05-03T06:07:30.000Z",
"success": true,
"filename": "document.pdf",
"pages": 5,
"type": "invoice",
"schema": "abcde12345-fghij67890-klmno54321-pqrst98765",
"ocr": false

Authentication for Webhook Triggers

Currently, our system does not offer built-in authentication methods for webhook triggers. It is crucial for users to secure their webhook endpoints to ensure that they handle incoming data safely and from verified sources.


Security Note: The webhook integrations do not currently support any built-in authentication mechanisms. It is strongly advised to implement measures at your receiving endpoints to authenticate and validate incoming data effectively.